Estate Planning & Birthworkers

Many people assume that estate planning is only for the wealthy, but the truth is that every adult can benefit from having a plan in place. As a birthworker, you help ensure that your clients are prepared for whatever may come their way. And by referring them to an estate planning company, you can do just that.

By the Numbers

The birth of a child is #1 reason why millennials are creating estate plans.

67% of adults in the USA don’t have any type of estate plan.

40% of adults in the USA say they don't have an estate plan because they “haven't gotten around to it.”

Well Positioned

As a birthworker, you build a relationship of trust and support with your clients. You are already helping them prepare for the birth of their child and the journey that comes after. By referring them to an estate planning company, you can help them plan for the future and ensure that they have peace of mind.


You are an expert in helping your clients prepare for the future - why not extend your expertise to estate planning?


Your clients trust you. By referring them to an estate planning company, you are furthering that trust.


Your clients will do anything to protect their child. Make sure they can do the same even if they weren’t here.

How it works

  • Educate your client on why estate planning is so important and why it’s best to get it done early.

  • Share your Legacy Planner URL with you client so they can complete the intake form with their personal details. This is where your involvement can stop.

  • Once your client has completed the the Legacy Planner they’ll be able to schedule a meeting with one of the attorneys.

  • After the meeting with the attorney, your client will be able to implement their estate plan using our detailed, Implementation Guide. Once finished, they’re done.

Legado Referral
Partners Receive

  • Up to $200 per successful referral

  • Custom Legado URL

  • Training and marketing materials

  • Added value for your business

  • Additional revenue stream